1. What are Printables?
  2. Why is it that you ask for my address when I am having my items emailed to me?
  3. For some reason the product I ordered won't open on my computer...Help!
  4. Can I customize the printables with my own message?
  5. Do I need any special kind of software to purchase your products?
  6. How come I never received an email with my download links after I made my purchase?
  7. What is the best kind of paper to print on?
  8. My home printer is old and doesn't print that great...any suggestions?
  9. Why do the colors look different on the screen compared to when I print games?
  10. If you have a question that hasn't been answered...ask away!
  11. Legal Stuff

What are Printables?

A 'printable' is an electronic PDF file that is sent to your email inbox. Once you place your order, an email is sent to the email address you supplied us with - containing your order. Click on the link(s) within the email and it will open your product. Then all you have to do is print!

Why is it that you ask for my address when I am having my items emailed to me?

Great question! The address/City/State/Zip fields are required due to credit card verification reasons.  You can be assured that we will not use your address for any other purpose.


For some reason the product I ordered won't open on my computer...Help!

Check to make sure you have Adobe Reader 8.0 or the latest version on your computer.
Adobe Reader comes already installed on most computers but if you do not have it or need an updated version - click on this link ---> Adobe Reader
(don't worry, it's fast - easy - and FREE)
If you are still having trouble you can always contact us
and we will help you out :)

Can I customize the printables with my own message?

At this time our games are not customizable but we hope to have this option available to you soon.

Do I need any special kind of software to purchase your products?

The only thing you will need is Adobe 8.0 or newer. Adobe Reader comes already installed on just about every computer.  If you don't have it, or need an updated version - click on this link --- Adobe Reader (don't worry, it's fast - easy - and FREE)

How come I never received an email with my download links after I made my purchase?

Some email programs filter out emails they deem as spam from so you should whitelist our email which will let your provider know its ok to receive email from us.

What is the best kind of paper to print on?

Our printables look best on regular white copy paper or white card stock (110 lb white card stock works great as well and can be found at office supply stores)

I am not computer savvy can I print from home? Or my home printer is old and doesn't print that great...any suggestions?

All our products are designed to print at the highest quality but if you are unsure or not happy with the results you can visit your nearest print shop and have them print for you.

All you have to do is save the file to a disc and bring it in to them - or attach it in an email and email to either the store (call and get their email address), or to your own email address (if you can access it remotely.) They can print directly from their computer to their color copy machine.


Why do the colors look different on the screen compared to when I print games?
Colors will vary depending on your monitor settings and the way your file is printed. Some printers use a different color profile and will have to convert the colors resulting in slight variations.


Have a question that hasn’t been answered?

Please feel free to ask away by contacting us now!

Legal Stuff

All of our printables are for personal use only. We work hard to create our artwork - reselling of our items (both digitally and in printed form) is strictly prohibited.

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